Listening to a mock detail in a research facility or via a tele/web interview definitely has its place in qualitative market research. But it has its limitations as well. What would happen if we tested messages and sales aids in the real-world? What new nuggets of insights would we expose? Could it be done?
There it was, that little voice in our head again challenging us to do more and be better. So, we challenged ourselves to answer the question — how can we improve sales dialogue and implementation? And we just knew we could — so we did.
Intersection is a proprietary methodology that enables us to test your sales dialogue and sales materials in the real-world setting of the physicians’ practice, with all the real-world interruptions and time limitations. It lets us figure out what really sticks and why it matters.

Real world experience provides real world results.
Ready to launch your message or message refresh? Put it in practice so that when you do launch you’ve got it right.